Friday, December 28, 2007

My Trip Uphill

28th Dec, 2007

This had to be the adventure of the lifetime. Never been at such an altitude before. I can almost have a top-view of Mt. Everest… in fact, the entire Himalayan range presents such a panoramic view. Its chilling cold here and I find it very difficult to breathe at a normal pace. It’s pretty difficult to manage with my funky jacket and two t-shirts. Thank God, I at least have a good pair of shoes. These long hairs fluttering around my face is providing some kinda natural protection for my head.

I am here at an army base camp…probably at the highest altitude nearby Kathmandu. It’s a restricted area but I was allowed since I came here with the “GSM network engineers’ team” to connect the existing receiving station to some other place. Thanks to Amit who arranged this trip for me.

I did try to climb the tower at the hilltop and achieve the feat which very few people must have attained in their lifetime. I could only manage to reach half the tower but let me tell you…even that’s an achievement!!!

It was fun explaining the tit-bits of mobile communication to the army-men around here. I just wish I had a good camera with me. Our driver did have a special Chinese camera equipped mobile but it didn’t have the provision of data transfer. So …its presence hardly mattered.

By evening, the weather even worsened and God!!!...the view was simply spectacular. It seemed as if the entire Himalayan range has just been coroneted with a golden crown. It’s very difficult to put those mesmerizing moments in words. By 6:30 pm, we left the place. It’s was completely dark and we were ready for our 3 hour long journey back to the valley through the jungle, along the rocky hills. Our trip downhill was comparatively better for the fact that we didn’t have to get out of the vehicle and push it uphill. One of our teammate appropriately termed the way uphill as “highway to hell”. But who knew…heaven was in store up there!!!

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